25 facts about me and my transition

Laura Assy
6 min readJul 12, 2018

Hi everyone. I have decided to post 2 articles in English a month so here is the first one in July. I truly hope that everyone’s summer is going as planned. Well me as a problematic transgender woman cannot really say that everything is going fine but at least I am headed somewhere – it is something, isn’t it?

So I was wondering what to write about – sometimes I am being too serious about topics so I decided to go with a ‘lemonade’ post which is light but also informative in a way. So I have decided to make a post about facts that centre around me and my transition. Hope you gonna find this a good read. It was fun to write haha

1. I am 26 years old – and I started transitioning in January, on my birthday. Best decision I’ve made so far.

2. I have symptoms of having BPD an HPD. These make my emotions a rollercoaster and because of that I am very hot-headed and impulsive. Well combine this with estrogen and you get a crazy emotional-driven person. That would be me. Lots of drama so be prepared!

3. I think compared to many other girls in my age, I have the strictest standards and expectations when it comes to dating. I have only had 2 serious relationships so far. But I was in love more than 2 times. Why do I say I have strict standards? I haven’t slept with more than 5 people :) My needs are important but they are driven by love. I am proud of the way I have been handling men. Am I in love right now? Maybe. I do not know. My life is a mess right now haha in a good way

4. When I get married I want to have a penthouse in New York and a wooden house up in the mountains either in Colorado or somewhere in Northern Europe. This perfectly sums up my future plans: I want to move to the US. Also, I love the crowd and being busy but I also love getting away from people and being alone (or with the people I love.)

5. I like winter more than any other season and Christmas is my favourite time of the year. I am that crazy Christmas person who gets excited about it whenever it is brought up in a discussion, it can be either June or October.

6. I like dogs and cats equally and I want both of them when I will have a family. Huskies, chow chows are my favourite dogs and persian cats rule too!

7. My friends are my everything. They are always there for me and listen to my problems / they give me advice etc. I have not lost a single person in my life since I have started transitioning. My relationship with my family is getting stronger too. Nothing to complain here.

8. I like planning things and I am not a very spontaneous person. For example if you looked at my calendar for next week, it would be fully written with my plans.

9. If we talk about music I do not have a fav genre but I really love the typical female pop icons. Britney Spears, Madonna, Kylie Minogue etc are queens and I just love them. I hate hard rock/metal music, I get scared when I hear those singers scream.

10. I think iPhones are cool and I also have a MacBook. I hate that it does not run games well. Yeah so… Apple over anything else!

11. I workout a lot compared to other trans girls I think, 3–4 times a week, adding 1–2 runs into it. I like to be skinny but also athletic. The reason it is not recommended to work out more than 3 times a week is because of testosterone and how they overpopulate after a workout, meaning the blockers work less effectively. It also causes breast loss but I want to have a boob job next year anyways.

12. While sometimes I am very strong and independent I can be the most naive person on Earth too. Id like to think that people can actually change and also that I can make them change – that is what I have been doing recently and I hope I am on the right track.

13. My fav colour is yellow. I really like blue too.

14. I am very into politics and it is not a secret that i am more leaning towards the left wing. I hate the extremists on both side though.

15. My dream job would be A) working at an international organisation and dealing with human rights B) being a politician. C) being an actress (childhood dream)

16. I have lived in the US (Utah) and France (Paris) but I am from Hungary (Budapest).

17. My fav food is hamburger hands down. I need to eat it with fries (which is also my favourite) and mayo. I also love meat soup made by my granny. They are the TOP1 tiers.

18. I think inner beauty is the most important thing. But if I check out a guy I always look for their arms (biceps) and teeth.

19. I do not have a type, buuuut I really like guys who have darker skin tone and darker hair colour.

20. I hate when I am not in control and if people are telling me what to do. I like being the leader and calling the shots. I am completely different in a relationship, I love looking up to a men although my personality is hard to handle sometimes.

21. Ever since I started transitioning, my stomach problems have stopped. I used to struggle with stomachache for months. I think it was more of a mental problem than a real issue.

22. Since I have been on hormones, I have been losing weight instead of gaining them. I don’t complain! Usually it is the other way around – trans girls get fat.

23. The most irritating thing for me since I have started my transition is the lack of sexual needs. I feel like I will never have the same libido again.

24. I want to have my FFS done next spring (around April-May) and my boob job the following months, around November-December. SRS can wait another year. I don’t hate my willy like most trans girls do.

25. Do I regret not transitioning earlier? Well yes and no. I regret that I have lost some years and valuable time to live as a woman but again being transgender is very expensive so I do not think I would have had the money to progress as quick with everything as I am doing now.

Well this was all for today. I hope you enjoyed this little article and that you got to know me better! See you in my next English article in 2 weeks time.



Laura Assy

A transgender girl from Hungary. Follow my adventure. You can find me on instagram: laura.andrassy